Brent's feeds and folders problem

Brent Simmons described a problem he faced when adopting protocol-oriented programming with Swift 2.0. (To follow along, please read his post in full before continuing with this post.)

The crux of the problem is that equality between two values of a custom type is not implicit in Swift. So, with a custom type Feed, it’s not possible out of the box to check if an array of feeds contains a particular feed - we first need to tell Swift what it means to say two feeds are the same.

The quick Objective-C version that Brent wrote does have a similar problem as well, though it’s less obvious.

The Objective-C version

In the Objective-C version of the project, I’m assuming both Feed and Folder would be defined as Objective-C protocols, and we’d have LocalFeed and LocalFolder as NSObject-based Objective-C classes conforming to those protocols respectively.

Brent’s Objective-C version of addFeeds (in say LocalFolder) looks like this:

- (void)addFeeds:(NSArray *)feedsToAdd {
  NSMutableArray *feedsArray = [self.feeds mutableCopy];
  for (id<Feed> oneFeed in feedsToAdd) {
    if (![feedsArray containsObject:oneFeed]) {
      [feedsArray addObject:oneFeed];
  self.feeds = [feedsArray copy];

self.feeds contains the feeds that are already in the local folder. feedsToAdd contains the feeds that we’d like to add to the folder. It’s likely that the objects in feedsToAdd were created at a different point in time than the objects already in self.feeds. The default equality checking in NSObject is to check for the equality of pointers, so addFeeds wouldn’t work correctly if the feed urls are the same, but the object addresses are different.

One way to fix this problem is to override isEqual: for LocalFeed to check the equality of the feed urls rather than memory addresses. This would override the implicit equality checking with the equality checking that we really want.

(Update 22/Jul/2015: Brent clarified that pointer equality was really what he wanted.)

Also, I think the concept of a feed is more like a struct than a class. But there’s no way for a value type to conform to a protocol in Objective-C, so we are forced to make LocalFeed a class here.

Let’s Swift

This is how I would model this scenario in Swift.

A feed is anything that has url as a gettable property.

protocol Feed {
    var url: String { get }

LocalFeed is a value type conforming to the Feed protocol.

struct LocalFeed: Feed {
    var url: String
    init(url: String) {
        self.url = url

We need to be able to check if a feed exists in an array, so we should define what equality for feeds means. We do that by making the Feed protocol inherit from the Equatable protocol.

The Equatable protocol requires that we implement a function with signature func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool. The Self here refers to the actual type conforming to the protocol (like LocalFeed) that we’re checking for equality. So, a function signature of func ==(lhs: Feed, rhs: Feed) -> Bool will not help us conform to Equatable, because Feed is a protocol, not a type.

We should write a function that can take two values of a particular type, where that type conforms to the Feed protocol. We can do that using generics.

protocol Feed: Equatable {
    var url: String { get }

func ==<T: Feed>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
    return (lhs.url == rhs.url)

A folder contains a bunch of feeds. We can have different types of folders, and they would contain the corresponding types of feeds. For example, a LocalFolder would contain a bunch of LocalFeeds, and a FeedlyFolder would contain a bunch of FeedlyFeeds. It’s not possible for a FeedlyFolder to contain a FeedBinFeed.

To represent a bunch of feeds in a folder, let’s use an array. To represent an array of feeds, we might write [Feed]. But if we really think about it, that’s not correct because Feed is not a type - it’s a protocol. What we want is an array of values of a certain type, where that type is a type that conforms to the Feed protocol.

We need a typealias to represent this. When we say typealias FeedType: Feed, we create a placeholder type called FeedType that conforms to the Feed protocol. We can then proceed to use FeedType in further declarations in our definition of a folder.

protocol Folder {
    typealias FeedType: Feed
    var feeds: [FeedType] { get }
    func addFeeds(feedsToAdd: [FeedType])

Note that the type of the feeds property and the type of feedsToAdd in the signature of addFeeds are now tied to each other. If you create a type that conforms to the Folder protocol, these types must be the same types. They cannot be two different types, even if both of them conform to the Feed protocol.

So, when we create a LocalFolder we need to use a specific type conforming to the Feed protocol, rather than just saying Feed.

class LocalFolder: Folder {
    var feeds: [LocalFeed] = []
    func addFeeds(feedsToAdd: [LocalFeed]) {
        for oneFeed in feedsToAdd {
            if !feeds.contains(oneFeed) {
                feeds += [oneFeed]

We can use it like this:

let folder = LocalFolder()
folder.addFeeds([ LocalFeed(url: "1"), LocalFeed(url: "2") ])
folder.addFeeds([ LocalFeed(url: "2"), LocalFeed(url: "3") ])
print(folder.feeds.count) // 3

You can see the complete code here.

Compared to Brent’s original version, the only significant additional code is the == function. But I would argue that likewise, we needed an isEqual: in Objective-C to make it work correctly.

I’d love to hear your feedback on this, especially Brent’s. You can find me on Twitter @roopeshchander.

(Update 22/Jul/2015: Got some good feedback on Twitter, including Brent’s.)

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