Arrays in Swift Beta 2

Problem, solution and workaround

We know that Arrays in Swift behave a little weirdly, and also that Apple will fix this going forward. (Update: Apple has fixed this in Beta 3.)

In this post, we’ll see:

  • The problem: What makes Arrays behave weirdly?

  • The solution: How is the behaviour is going to be, once Apple fixes it?

  • A workaround: Is it possible to make Arrays behave sanely in Beta 2 itself?

The problem

To understand the problem with Arrays, we need to know how Swift handles copying of Arrays. The Swift book offers a helpful hint in the form of a note under “Assignment and Copy Behavior for Collection Types” that says:

The descriptions below refer to the “copying” of arrays, dictionaries, strings, and other values. Where copying is mentioned, the behavior you see in your code will always be as if a copy took place. However, Swift only performs an actual copy behind the scenes when it is absolutely necessary to do so. Swift manages all value copying to ensure optimal performance, and you should not avoid assignment to try to preempt this optimization.

We’ll first see the nitty-gritties of what that note really means, and validate that against how Arrays behave.

Structs are value types

We know that in Swift, structs and enums are value types (as opposed to classes which are reference types).

So, when we do var dstInstance: MyStruct = srcInstance, the contents of srcInstance are copied over to dstInstance. After this, the data in srcInstance and dstInstance are independent and can be independently modified without affecting each other.

Assigning structs is a more expensive operation (compared to assigning classes) because the contents need to be copied to a new memory location. Assigning a class will generally be quicker because only a pointer to the contents needs to be copied.

Arrays try to look like value types

Strings, Arrays and Dictionaries in Swift are implemented as structs because it is desirable to pass them around as values and not worry about the contents of the Array or Dictionary getting modified behind our back.

But instances of these structs can potentially hold a large amount of data, and it’s going to affect the performance of our code if Swift has to copy all the bytes of a String or all the elements of an Array every time we assigned it to a variable or passed it to a function.

To make copy performance of large value types manageable, Swift does some magic under the hood.

When we create an Array, Swift allocates a buffer to hold the elements, and stores a pointer to this buffer in the Array structure (actually a sub-struct of the Array struct, but what matters here is that only the pointer is part of the data stored in the Array struct).

var a1: Array<Int> = [10, 11]

When we append an element, Swift reallocs the buffer to accomodate the additional elements (typically rounded upwards to the nearest power of 2, in anticipation of future appends) and then adds the element to the buffer.


Note that the realloc can either grow the allocated memory block, or can result in a new block of memory to be allocated (followed by a memcopy to the new location). In the latter case, the buffer pointer would have to be updated to point to the new location.

Now the interesting part - assigning to another variable:

var a2 = a1

So, instead of copying the contents to the new Array instance (as a normal value type would have done), Swift internally keeps the content of both the Array instances in a single shared buffer.

The same also holds good for passing it to a function or closure.

func arrayLength(arg: Array<Int>) -> Int {
    // How does it look here?
    return countElements(arg)
var l1 = arrayLength(a1)

Within the execution of the function, it looks like this:

This way, assigning an Array to a variable and passing an Array to functions will be very fast because it does not involve copying of the contents of the Array.

However, we still want assign-by-value and pass-by-value semantics, which is to say that when we modify a2, we want only a2 to change, and a1 to remain intact.

To achieve this, just before modifying an Array whose data is in a shared buffer, Swift unshare()s the buffer. That is, if the buffer is shared with other Array instances, it creates a new buffer and copies the contents to the new buffer; if the buffer is not shared, there’s nothing to do.


So, effectively, a copy is done only when shared data is about to be modified.

This is the classic copy-on-write pattern (also called lazy copying, or implicit sharing). Though not tied to any language, this is a popular pattern in C++ (more so in Qt). In Cocoa, this pattern is used in the internal implementations of some parts of Core Data and Core Graphics.

Aside: Note that to perform an unshare(), Swift needs to know whether the data is in a shared buffer or an exclusive non-shared buffer. The obvious way would be to use reference counting to track how many Array instances point to a buffer, which is probably what Swift is using too. The mechanics would be similar to ARC, but this is not ARC (Swift structs are not ARC-ed). The reference count would also be handy to determine when to deallocate the buffer.

Verifying the theory

According to the Swift runtime headers (that you get to see when you Cmd-click on a keyword), Array has a withUnsafePointerToElements function, which can call a passed closure with a pointer to the underlying storage. This gives us a way to check whether two Array instances use the same underlying storage or not.

Diving into code:

(GitHub Gist)

Note: This seems to work in standalone Swift scripts and XCode projects, but not in the Playground.

Revisiting the note

Now, let’s parse that note again:

Where copying is mentioned, the behavior you see in your code will always be as if a copy took place.

Externally, it will behave like a value type.

However, Swift only performs an actual copy behind the scenes when it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Swift performs an actual copy only if the code requires modification of the contents and if the contents are shared internally.

Swift manages all value copying to ensure optimal performance

Swift will figure out when to copy (i.e. if you attempt to modify the contents and if the contents are shared internally).

and you should not avoid assignment to try to preempt this optimization.

Don’t be scared of doing var tmp = arrayWithThousandsOfItems because it’s not as expensive as it looks.

The bug in Array copy-semantics

In a normal implementation of the copy-on-write pattern, the unshare() would be triggered on any modification of the array contents, including those that do not change the size of the array.

In Swift Arrays (as of XCode 6 Beta 2), only operations that change the length of the Array seems to trigger an unshare(). This is the core problem with Swift Arrays.

Since changing the value at a particular index does not trigger an unshare(), the modification is done on the shared buffer, and hence the original Array instance is also modified.

Chris Lattner has confirmed in multiple places that this will be fixed in a future beta release.

Immutability of Arrays

A struct declared with let cannot have it’s contained fields modified. For an Array, this means that the buffer pointer cannot be modified.

Therefore, the following operations are disabled on let Arrays:

  1. Appending elements can potentially require a realloc, which can change the buffer pointer
  2. unshare(), which can change the buffer pointer
  3. Replacing a range of items with some items (either using replaceRange or like a[1..5] = [42, 43]), which can potentially require a realloc, and therefore can change the buffer pointer

Notably, changing the value at an index is still possible on let Arrays, because at present, this does not change the buffer pointer. So, the problem of immutable Arrays not being really immutable is a direct result of the bug in Array copy-semantics.

The solution

Chris Lattner has confirmed that “array semantics are going to change significantly in later seeds, to be more similar to dictionary and strings.”

So the solution Apple is going to give us in a later seed will ensure that changing the value of an index will also trigger an unshare(). That will make it really behave like a value type in all situations, like in the case of Dictionary and String.

A workaround

With a little tweak to the trick we used to examine the Array storage, we can also override subscript() to call unshare() whenever we’re about to change the value at an index.

(GitHub Gist)

Note: This workaround seems to work in standalone Swift scripts and XCode projects, but not in the Playground.

And we have Arrays using copy-on-write correctly and behaving more consistently with Dictionarys and Strings, just like how it is expected to be once this is fixed in a later beta. This also prevents us from being able to modify the value at an index of a let Array.

However, this workaround doesn’t handle sort() modifying the Array without unshare()-ing it. For that, we’ll have to wait for the fix from Apple.

If you have any feedback on my conclusions about Swift Arrays, I’d love to discuss on Twitter (@roopeshchander).

Updated 29/Jun/2014: Appending doesn’t always trigger a realloc - it can only potentially do so. Added direct links to Github Gists (to be more RSS-reader-friendly).
Update 17/Jul/2014: Array semantics are fixed in Beta 3.

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