Why isn't there a formal grammar for Markdown?

The idea of writing a context-free grammar (or CFG) for Markdown keeps coming up. The assumption is that once it’s formalized with a grammar in BNF or EBNF, it serves as a formal specification of the syntax, and it also becomes a source of parsers, possibly using parser generators.

That idea doesn’t get far once you really take a look at the Markdown syntax, which is not like the syntax of a programming language at all. The Markdown syntax is inherently ambiguous. (Yes, the syntax of C++ is ambiguous too, but the points of ambiguity are known and limited.)

To illustrate, consider the case of emphasis. *a* is em and **a** is strong. If we wrote a (very simplified) CFG in an EBNF-like format for Markdown text runs (i.e. contents of Markdown paragraphs), it would look like this:

text-run    = span text-run | span
span        = strong | em | normal-text
strong      = "**" text-run "**"
em          = "*" text-run "*"
normal-text = [a-zA-Z0-9 ]

This already has ambiguities in that **a** can be interpreted by this grammar in two different ways: Just a strong run, or an em run inside another em run.

But it gets worse. The grammar we saw above would reject the input *a, which in Markdown should be interpreted as normal text. Same case for a*, **a and a**. If we wanted to handle these too, we need these expansions as well:

normal-text = "*" text-run | "**" text-run |
              text-run "*" | text-run "**"

And with that addition, the amount of ambiguity shoots up significantly and unmanageably.

If we take a closer look at why this happens, we can see that when a * token is encountered, the grammar cannot decide whether it should be part of an em-qualifier or normal text (or sometimes, a strong-qualifier). That decision can be made only after scanning the rest of the input till we find a matching closing *. If there is no matching closing *, we will know that only if we scan until the end of the text-run’s string (which would be the end of the paragraph). So, for the parser to know which rule to choose at a point, it might have to look ahead an arbitrary number of tokens.

If Markdown was a format in which *a without a closing * is a syntax error, this wouldn’t be a problem to the parser - in that case, a single * can always be interpreted as part of an em-qualifier. But that’s not how Markdown is, and if we change that, it wouldn’t be a very useful writing format.

So, that’s the reason why we won’t see a practical unambiguous CFG for Markdown. The best we can do is just “.*” .

I’ve seen some suggestions that the indenting-based syntax for some constructs in Markdown is what makes it hard to write a CFG for it. I don’t think that’s the case because indentation can be detected at tokenization stage and the grammar can refer them as INDENT and DEINDENT tokens. This, per my understanding, is how Python CFGs handle indentation.

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