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Citron > Grammar file

The Citron Grammar File

The Citron Grammar File contains:

The grammar file should be in ASCII encoding.



A grammar for a language or format is composed of production rules. The rules make use of terminal and non-terminal symbols. In a Citron grammar, both terminals and non-terminals should be named using alphabets, digits and underscores only. Terminals should start with an uppercase letter and non-terminals should start with a lowercase letter. Typically, terminal names are CamelCased and non-terminal names are lowercased.

Some parser generators (Bison for example) allow literal characters and strings to be directly used in a grammar rule, but Citron does not. In Citron, all terminals should be named.

We also call terminals as tokens. Citron directives use the term “token” to denote a terminal symbol.


Citron can work with only context-free grammars, where there must be exactly one non-terminal symbol on the left hand side (LHS) of the rule, and zero or more terminal or non-terminal symbols on the right hand side (RHS) of the rule.

An arrow string (“::=”) should be used as the separator between the LHS and the RHS of a rule. A period (“.”) should be used to mark the end of the rule. The rule can be completely in one line, or can be broken up into multiple lines, but either way, it has to end with a period.

The RHS of a rule should contain only terminal or non-terminal symbols, so we cannot specify alternativity (either this sequence of symbols or this other sequence of symbols) or optionality (this symbol may or may not come here) directly in a rule. Rather, we should break that out into separate rules.

An example

Consider the following grammar for a Swift function header (the part before the body of a function), a simplified version of the function declaration grammar from the Swift Language Reference:

function-headerfunc function-name function-signature

function-signatureparameter-clause throwsopt function-resultopt
function-signatureparameter-clause rethrows function-resultopt
function-result-> type

parameter-clause( ) | ( parameter-list )
parameter-listparameter | parameter , parameter-list
parameterexternal-parameter-nameopt local-parameter-name type-annotation

type-annotation: inoutopt type

The literal words (like func and inout, etc.) and punctuation (like ( and )) in the grammar are tokens that should get recognized in the previous tokenization stage. We should also recognize identifiers during tokenization. The other symbols should be treated as non-terminals.

We can rewrite the above grammar as an input for Citron as follows:

func_header ::= Func func_name func_signature.
func_name ::= Identifier.

func_signature ::= param_clause.
func_signature ::= param_clause func_result.
func_signature ::= param_clause throws_clause func_result.
func_signature ::= param_clause throws_clause.
throws_clause ::= Throws.
throws_clause ::= Rethrows.
func_result ::= Arrow type.

param_clause ::= OpenParen CloseParen.
param_clause ::= OpenParen param_list CloseParen.
param_list ::= param.
param_list ::= param Comma param_list.
param ::= local_param_name type_annotation.
param ::= external_param_name local_param_name type_annotation.

external_param_name ::= Identifier.
local_param_name ::= Identifier.

type_annotation ::= Colon type.
type_annotation ::= Colon Inout type.
type ::= Identifier.

Alternatives are handled by creating a separate rule for each alternative (see rules for param_clause and param_list).

Optional symbols in a rule are handled by breaking the rule into two rules, one excluding the symbol and one including it (see rules for param and type_annotation). If there are multiple optional symbols, we have to create rules for each combination of possible symbols (see rules for func_signature).

Now we have a complete grammar that Citron can understand. We can save this grammar into a grammar file, say grammar.y and run citron on the grammar file.

$ clang citron.c -o ./citron
$ ./citron grammar.y

At this point, running citron on the grammar file will only check for any grammar-related errors like conflicts and unreachable rules, but will not generate a parser.

To be able to generate a parser, we also need to declare the types for the grammar’s symbols and provide code blocks for our grammar’s rules.


Citron requires that we specify the semantic type of each symbol used in the grammar. That’s the type we use to represent that symbol in our code.

A semantic value of a symbol is a value of the semantic type of the symbol. That’s the value of that symbol in our code.

Types for terminals

All terminal symbols are assumed to have the same semantic type.

For example, we could represent the terminals in the above grammar with an enumeration like this:

enum Token {
    case keyword // for Func, Throws, Inout, etc.
    case punctuation // for (, ), ->, etc.
    case identifier(String) // for Identifier

We can specify that the semantic type for all terminals is the Token enumeration by using the %token_type directive in the grammar file, like this:

%token_type Token

Types for non-terminals

Different non-terminal symbols can have different semantic types.

We can specify the type of each non-terminal using the %nonterminal_type directive.

It can be hard to come up with the semantic types for all the non-terminals in the grammar at one go, so Citron also lets us specify a semantic type to be used for all non-terminals in the grammar using the %default_nonterminal_type directive.

%default_nonterminal_type Void

Consider the non-terminal param in the above grammar – it represents a function paramater. We could represent that in our code with a struct defined like this:

struct FunctionParameter {
    let localName: String
    let externalName: String?
    let type: String
    let isInout: Bool

We can specify that the semantic type for the non-terminal param is FunctionParameter by using the %nonterminal_type directive in the grammar file, like this:

%nonterminal_type param FunctionParameter

We can use arrays and tuples to build intermediate types. For example, the non-terminal type_annotation can be represented by a tuple, like this:

%nonterminal_type type_annotation "(type: String, isInout: Bool)"

The sematic type for all terminals, and the semantic type for each non-terminal should be specified in the Citron grammar file.

It’s a good practice to keep the type specifications of non-terminals closer to the rules that use these non-terminals, so that the code blocks for the rules are easier to read.

We can place the type definitions anywhere in our project, and should just make it available when compiling the generated parser code, either by including it in the same module, or by importing the defining module.

Code blocks

Citron requires that each grammar rule be followed by a code block associated with that rule. The code block is invoked every time that rule is used during parsing.

Conceptually, the code block for a rule takes semantic values of its RHS symbols as input and returns a semantic value of its LHS symbol as output.

Consider the following rule:

param ::= local_param_name type_annotation.

The code block for this rule should take the local parameter name and the type annotation as inputs, and should return the function parameter.

We can choose which inputs we want to work with and by what name by adding aliases to the required symbols. For example, we could modify the rule as:

param ::= local_param_name(lpn) type_annotation(ta).

Then we’d be able to access lpn and ta inside the code block for this rule. The type of lpn would be the semantic type specified for local_param_name (let’s assume that’s String). The type of ta would be (type: String, isInout: Bool), which is the semantic type we declared for type_annotation. The code block should return a value of type FunctionParameter, which is the semantic type we declared for param.

We can write a code block for this rule as follows:

param ::= local_param_name(lpn) type_annotation(ta). {
    return FunctionParameter(localName: lpn,
            externalName: nil, type: ta.type, isInout: ta.isInout)

Likewise, we should write a code block for each rule in our grammar.

Each code block becomes the body of a member function in the generated parser class. The above code block would look something like this in the generated code:

func codeBlockForRule13(lpn: String, ta: (type: String, isInout: Bool)) throws -> FunctionParameter {
    return FunctionParameter(localName: lpn,
            externalName: nil, type: ta.type, isInout: ta.isInout)

Since the code block is placed in a function with stricty typed parameters, any type mismatches would show up as compile-time errors.

The code block may throw run-time errors and these errors will be propagated up to one of the parsing methods: consume(token:, code:), or endParsing(). This can be used to handle semantic errors from within code blocks. For example, if we have an arithmetic expression evaluator that evaluates an expression as it parses it, we might want to throw on a division-by-zero error.

The code blocks are a great way to build a data structure (usually a parse tree) representing the parsed data. Typically, the code block for a rule builds the data structure representing the LHS symbol of the rule. This data structure will eventually get passed as input to a code block of a rule that uses this rule’s LHS symbol in the RHS, and thereby get incorporated into a higher level data structure (in case of a parse-tree, a higher level node i.e. a node closer to the root of the tree). Finally, the start rule’s code block shall return the complete data structure representing the whole input data.

Once we have the grammar rules, type specifications and code blocks, we can ask Citron to generate a parser for us.

It can be hard to come up with the correct code block for all the rules at one go, so Citron lets us define a default code block to be used for a given LHS symbol. While defining the semantic type of a non-terminal with the %nonterminal_type directive, we can also specify a default code block. If a rule’s LHS is this non-terminal and the rule doesn’t have a code block specified, the default code block will be used.

We can also specify a default code block in the %default_nonterminal_type directive, which would make Citron pick up that code block whenever a rule’s LHS symbol’s semantic type was inferred using the %default_nonterminal_type directive, and the rule doesn’t have a code block specified.


Type specification

Citron requires that the semantic types of all symbols used in the grammar be declared in the grammar file using these directives:


Specifies the semantic type for all terminals. If the type is a compound type with use of special characters, it should be enclosed in “quotes” or {brackets}.


%token_type String


Specifies the semantic type for a particular non-terminal. If the type is a compound type, it should be enclosed in “quotes” or {brackets}.


%nonterminal_type type_annotation "(type: String, isInout: Bool)"

Optionally, we can specify a default code block to be used for all rules with this non-terminal as the LHS.

%nonterminal_type type_annotation "(type: String, isInout: Bool)" {
    return (type: "", isInout: false)


Specifies the semantic type for all non-terminals that don’t have types specified with %nonterminal_type. If the type is a compound type, it should be enclosed in “quotes” or {brackets}.


%default_nonterminal_type String

Optionally, we can specify a default code block to be used for all rules whose LHS symbol’s semantic type was inferred using this directive.

%default_nonterminal_type String { return "" }



Specifies the name of the parser class generated by Citron. If this directive is not present, the class is named Parser.


%class_name ConfigFileParser


By default, the token code enum values are the same as the token names used in the grammar. For example, the above grammar uses the token names Func and Identifier, so the token code enum will include the values .Func and .Identifier.

Specifying a token code prefix directive will cause the enum values to be generated with the specified prefix.

For example, to make the enum values Swiftier, we can say:

%tokencode_prefix token

This will cause the enum to be generated with values .tokenFunc and .tokenIdentifier.


Specifying a non-terminal code prefix directive will cause the enum values for non-terminals to be generated with the specified prefix.

This is not normally used, and exists only as a counterpart to %tokencode_prefix.

%nonterminalcode_prefix nt_

Code insertion


Specifying a preface will include the contents of the preface before the parser class in the output file. This can be used to import modules or define types that are required for the code in the code blocks.


%preface {
    import Foundation


Specifying an epilogue will include the contents of the preface after the parser class in the output file. One use for this would be to extend the parser class to add additional functionality.


%epilogue {
    extension Parser: MyProtocol {
        func conformingFunction() {


Using this directive, we can add extra class members to the parser class. Since code blocks are also member functions, any extra members we add become accessible from inside the code blocks. This is a great way to make the parser configurable.

For example, if we specify %extra_class_members like this:

%extra_class_members {
    let shouldGenerateParseTree: Bool
    init(shouldGenerateParseTree: Bool) {
        self.shouldGenerateParseTree = shouldGenerateParseTree

We can access the shouldGenerateParseTree as an instance variable in all our code blocks. The code blocks can then conditionally generate the parse tree. Creating the parser as Parser(shouldGenerateParseTree: false) would suspend parse tree generation.

Precedence and associativity

A grammar rule with multiple recursions can cause the grammar to become ambiguous, resulting in shift-reduce conflicts. One way to fix these conflicts is to specify associativity. When there are multiple such rules, we might also need to specify the relative precedence between them.

For example:

%left_associative Plus Minus.
%left_associative Mult Div.
%right_associative Pow.

specifies that:

Citron handles precedence and associativity in the same way as Lemon, so the “Precedence Rules” section in the Lemon documentation applies to Citron as well. Lemon’s %left, %right and %nonassoc correspond to Citron’s %left_associative, %right_associative and %nonassociative respectively.


Gives a list of tokens, specifying that these tokens should be considered left associative.

For example:

%left_associative Plus Minus.

The %left_associative directive should end with a . character.


Gives a list of tokens, specifying that these tokens should be considered right associative.

For example:

%right_associative Pow.

The %right_associative directive should end with a . character.


Gives a list of tokens, specifying that these tokens should be considered non associative.

For example:

%nonassociative EqualTo LessThan GreaterThan.

The %nonassociative directive should end with a . character.

Grammar controls


Specifies the nonterminal to be used as the start symbol of the grammar.

If this directive is not specified, the LHS of the first rule in the grammar is considered to be start symbol.

For example:

%start_symbol func_header

There can be only one rule in the grammar with the start symbol as the LHS – that rule is called the start rule of the grammar.


The order of tokens in the CitronTokenCode enumeration is determined by the order in which the tokens appear in the grammar file (either in a rule, or in a directive). In case we want a token to appear earlier in the enumeration, we can tell Citron about the token before it appears in the grammar file with this directive.

For example:

%token CloseBrackets OpenBrackets.

The %token directive should end with a . character.


Specifies that a token can, if required, be treated as another token.

For example, in the above grammar, the keywords throws and rethrows would be identified as the tokens Throws and Rethrows. So an input like func fn(throws: Bool) would result in a syntax error, because the Throws token is not allowed inside the parameters clause. In case we want to allow the use of throws and rethrows as identifiers, we can say:

%fallback Identifier Throws Rethrows.

This specifies that the tokens Throws and Rethrows can be treated as Identifier if that would help avoid a syntax error.

The %fallback directive should end with a . character.


Specifies a catch-all fallback token.

For example:

%wildcard Identifier.

specifies that Identifier is a fallback for every other token in the grammar.

The %wildcard directive should end with a . character.


Specifies that a nonterminal should be treated as a set of tokens.

For example, in the above grammar, the throws_clause nonterminal might get defined like this, along with type specifications and code blocks:

%nonterminal_type throws_clause FunctionToken // same as %token_type

throws_clause ::= Throws(t). { return t }
throws_clause ::= Rethrows(t). { return t }

We can replace all those lines with a token set specification like this:

%token_set throws_clause Throws Rethrows.

The %token_set directive should end with a . character. The %token_set directive must be the first use of the non-terminal it defines.

Error capturing


Used to enable error capturing for a particular nonterminal.

Also used to specify the synchronization tokens for that nonterminal. In case a parse error occurred while this particular nonterminal was getting parsed, the synchronization tokens given here will be used to figure out where this nonterminal ends.

Synchronization tokens are specified using end_before and end_after clauses.

An end_before clause is the keyword end_before followed by a list of tokens, separated by either , or |, enclosed in parantheses. For example, the clause end_before(Comma | CloseBracket) specifies that the nonterminal should be considered to end just before the next Comma or CloseBracket token.

An end_after clause is similar, but with the end_after keyword. For example, the clause end_after(Throws | Rethrows) specifies that the nonterminal should be considered to end just after the next Throws or Rethrows token.

In an end_after clause, we can also have a sequence of tokens, enclosed in square brackets. For example, the clause end_after([CloseBracket Throws] | [CloseBracket Rethrows]) specifies that the nonterminal should be considered to end just after the next Throws or Rethrows token, only if that token is preceded by a CloseBracket token.

Both the end_before and end_after clauses are optional. If any of the tokens (or token sequences) in any of the clauses matches, the nonterminal would be considered to end. Additionally, the nonterminal would be considered to end when the end of input is reached (i.e. when endParsing() is called).

Here’s an example of a complete %capture_errors directive:

%capture_errors param
    end_before(Comma | CloseBracket)
    end_after([Colon, Identifier] | [KeywordInout, Identifier]).

In case of grammar-ending non-terminals, where the end of the non-terminal signifies the end of the grammar (for example, the start symbol), the typical usage is to specify neither an end_before nor an end_after clause.

For example, to capture errors on the start symbol, func_header, we say:

%capture_errors func_header.

This means that if an error occurred while the non-terminal func_header was being parsed, the non-terminal should be considered to end only when the end of input is reached (i.e. when endParsing() is called).

The %capture_errors directive should end with a . character.